Now that's some Industrial.
1st impression I got within 15 seconds of listening is that your sound quality is off the charts. The strongest element this track's got to throw at the listener is sound and your manipulation of it. I'm listening with several hundred dollars worth of headphone right now, and it's safe to say this is almost completely error free, especially compared to the other stuff around here that operates on similar frequencies. Based on your style, I'd say there's a good chance that everything I'm hearing that could be construed as a fault (i.e. crackling, clicking, etc) is likely there on purpose because it fits the tempo. So I gotta hand it to you on that one.
Since this is a demo, I'm hoping that when you throw the finished product out there that your intent is to add more sounds to it, not make it longer. I like the length of this piece because I see that there's a lot you can do in there, though as it stands now I find myself getting lost before 3:46 when you go back to the spoken vocals. Before that it's about a minute and fifteen seconds of audio that has little to distinguish itself between repetitions. This is a sad betrayal of the phenomenal intro you started with, which gave me the impression I was gonna get a six minute rocket ride through an industrial bloodbath. So currently this track runs a minute or two too long for all that's in it.
Normally, I despise spoken vocal samples in music, but you're one of the few people on here who can actually do it RIGHT - give a good quality voice its moment, then build back into the meat of your track inside of a beat or two.
When you finish this thing it's gonna be 10 star material. Killer start.