Thanks again to everyone on Newgrounds who's been voting.
Looking down the list I'm pretty damned impressed by most of the other songs on the top 10, so it means a hell of a lot to me that NG users appreciate my work.
I recorded some vocals as my personal sample (I won't release it of course- my voice was pretty foul from too much smoke this week) so I have something to work with as I compose my next release, so things are well underway. I can't wait to see what you're going to think of this one! I've been taking everyone's advice and I hope I can pay you all back by putting out something truly epic for your listening pleasure.
Once again, thanks to everyone who listens to my audio. Special thanks to everyone who left the killer votes! You're awesome.
And don't forget to add the myspace page for all the details, news and graphics for this project!
At least all the stuff I have to hear through the wall has paid off! =D
Heheh, thanks bro!
(ChampIDC is my brother, and he is also awesome)